Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa has reacted against the latest incident of arrests of Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan navy on the high seas, saying elements in the Sri Lankan navy are trying to spoil a conducive atmosphere created by the recent talks between the fishermen of both countries.
Thirty eight fishermen belonging to Ramanathapuram district were arrested by the Sri Lankan navy on Wednesday, two days after the talks between the fishermen of both countries were held in Chennai on Monday to sort out several issues including the attack on Indian fishermen.
“It appears to me that this incident of apprehension is an attempt by elements in the Sri Lankan navy to deliberately spoil the conducive atmosphere created by the recent talks,” Jayalalithaa said in a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, a copy of which was released to the media on Friday.
The chief minister expressed concern over the arrests which would affect the livelihood of Tamil Nadu fishermen.
Jayalalithaa urged the Prime Minister to impress upon the Sri Lankan government to advise its navy to abstain from such acts of illegal abduction of innocent Indian fishermen. “I request you (PM) to convey an unequivocal and strong disapproval of the belligerent actions of the Lankan navy,” the chief minister said.
She demanded the use of diplomatic channels to secure the safe release of 38 fishermen and their six mechanized boats.
Thirty eight fishermen belonging to Ramanathapuram district were arrested by the Sri Lankan navy on Wednesday, two days after the talks between the fishermen of both countries were held in Chennai on Monday to sort out several issues including the attack on Indian fishermen.
“It appears to me that this incident of apprehension is an attempt by elements in the Sri Lankan navy to deliberately spoil the conducive atmosphere created by the recent talks,” Jayalalithaa said in a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, a copy of which was released to the media on Friday.
The chief minister expressed concern over the arrests which would affect the livelihood of Tamil Nadu fishermen.
Jayalalithaa urged the Prime Minister to impress upon the Sri Lankan government to advise its navy to abstain from such acts of illegal abduction of innocent Indian fishermen. “I request you (PM) to convey an unequivocal and strong disapproval of the belligerent actions of the Lankan navy,” the chief minister said.
She demanded the use of diplomatic channels to secure the safe release of 38 fishermen and their six mechanized boats.
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