Friday, February 7, 2014

Woman STRIPS and downs pint of lager in Asda in latest drinking challenge video

A woman has STRIPPED down to her underwear before downing a can of lager in the middle of a supermarket, in the latest bizarre "NekNomination" video.

Taking on the internet challenge, 19-year-old Rebecca Dagley is filmed by her friends as she walks into an Asda superstore in Leicester wearing a trench coat and high heels.

But when she reaches the fruit and vegetable aisle, the brunette sheds her jacket to reveal stockings, suspenders and purple lingerie, before drinking a can of Stella in front of shocked shoppers.

As is the custom with the online craze, she then speaks to camera to nominate three more of her friends to down a pint in the most imaginative way possible.

Speaking to the Leicester Mercury, she said: "I just found an aisle and tried to drink it before security came over."

"People were just looking at me, like 'what on earth are you doing?'

"I didn't want to do it at first but then I thought, I should just have fun."

The NekNominate craze - thought to have originated in Australia - has come in for heavy criticism from alcohol awareness charities for promoting dangerous levels of binge drinking.

It has already been linked to the deaths of two young men in Ireland, and people appear to be striving to find increasingly extreme ways of completing the challenge.

But Rebecca dismissed those criticisms.

She said: "Everyone will go as far as they want to go, nobody is forcing anyone to do anything - people don't even have to drink alcohol if they don't want to.

"It's like anything in life, you have to be responsible and not stupid."

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